A Brief Essay Writing Manual: Prompts

We are commonly asked for essay writing prompts for students. Today, we will provide some useful writing prompts that will help you get started on your own essay writing assignment.

  • What are some important social issues to consider regarding the topic?
  • Brainstorm a list of social issues related to the topic that you are considering or have been assigned. Do any of these stand out as being good essay choices. This can help you come up with specific things to discuss in your paper.

  • Is there any controversial debates involving the topic?
  • Controversy always makes for intriguing writing. Think very carefully about both sides of the potential debates. Are you in favor or strongly against one of the sides? Can you use this to help you form your thesis or compose an argumentative paper.

  • Who else has written on this topic? Do you agree or disagree with their perspective?
  • Have there been any commendable writings written on this topic or the topic that you have been assigned. By researching famous writings related to your topic you may be able to come up with some creative angles for your own paper.

    When reading these writings think critically about what the author is saying. Doing you agree or disagree with their thesis. You may want to address this in your writing.

  • Are there any current events relating to the topic that you can use for your essay?
  • Carefully consider your topic in regards to recent current events. Try to think of a way to relate your paper to current issues or events. This will increase the value of your writing.

  • Are there any historical events relating to the topic that you can use in your essay?
  • Another way to add value to your writing is by including a historical event in your essay. Do a bit of research to see if there are any historical events that will work for your topic idea or assignment.

Thinking about these prompts when you are preparing to write your essay can help you compose a better thesis and overall composition. Take the time to write down some ideas that come to mind and do a bit of preliminary research. By doing this you will find that you are coming up with ideas for your essay faster that may actually be better! Chances are if you use these prompts you’ll see your writing grades improve.

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