How To Compose An Opinion Essay On Prohibition In The US

One of the best things about opinion essays is how interesting they are to read. If you are interested in writing and expressing your own thoughts, opinion pieces are the best options for you. Not only do they provide you with topics worth writing about, but excelling at writing such pieces will also open numerous avenues for your future. Thus, when the opportunity comes your way, you should concentrate on making your writing the best piece of work you can.

Prohibition in the US—what to do before writing your essay


Before you begin writing on anything, you should know what you are talking about. If you want to talk about the former prohibition on gay marriage in the United States, you want to know the rules and regulations regarding the same in the country. Thus, keep aside ample of time to work on your project. In the preliminary stage, work only on gathering relevant matter for your assignment.

Where to look for references and sources:

Be it topics or relevant matter to refer to, having a huge database to get help from is always a wise option. Sample essays, journal articles, research papers: they will not only help you organize your paper, but also help structure your thoughts.

Here are some sources you can refer to:

  • Essays on university websites: Since they are portals managed by prestigious colleges and universities, you will find a large base of papers written by graduates and undergraduates.
  • Tuition websites: These websites hire a large number of online tutors and writers, who will be able to help you usually at multiple times of day. Many of these will also contain tutorial websites and important links.
  • Magazines and Journal Articles: Remaining aware of your surroundings is always a good option when you want to write opinions pieces. Look up magazine articles and specialized journals.

Make sure to proofread your work:

There is nothing more off-putting than a project riddled with false facts, incorrect facts, and grammatical errors. Therefore, when mentioning statistics and facts, make sure to double check them before putting in anything concrete.

Additionally, before turning in your assignment, have a friend, parent, or a relative read it. They will be better trained to look for discrepancies in data, sentence structure and grammar. Thus, you will have gained a valuable second opinion.

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